It is the largest organ in the human body, and is considered one of the digestive system extensions, and weighs about a kilo and a half, the color brown italic redness. Liver is divided into four lobes of unequal size. It is located to the right side of the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm. Blood transmits it through the oxygen-bearing blood and the hepatic artery. And it carries blood loaded digested food from the intestine into the portal vein.
Symptoms of liver cancer
If the injured hair of cancer pain in the upper abdomen on the right, especially since the pain may increase to include other areas, as a back and shoulders. The appearance of puff in the abdominal area. Occurrence of emaciation, the patient has lost weight in an unusually short period of time. It has affected his appetite. Fatigue, laziness, and extreme fatigue. Nausea, vomiting when infected. Turning the infected skin color to yellow, to the proliferation of bile in the body and under the skin; as a result of the defect in the liver. Itchy skin. If the injured Paul dark color. In the event of a high degree of patient that may appear intermittently heat. Feces chalky white color.
Liver reason
May be the cause of this disease because of alcohol or because of the presence of cancer, liver disease or infection from an infected person to another person or the presence of gallstones, and the presence of blood disorders, anemia, cancer of the pancreas, enlarged liver, or cirrhosis of the liver, or because taking An overdose of the drug is affected by the liver and be a negative reaction, or it may be due to the presence of parasites in the liver, gallstones disease also affects the liver if it is not treated Faisiba Basferrar. The specialist doctor diagnose the disease by doing a blood test that identifies even cause yellowing of the liver or liver inflammation or the doctor doing the test radial wave ultrasound or computed tomography or magnetic imaging.
Liver treatment
The treatment of liver yolk after finding out the reason behind this disease and the degree of infection. In some cases, both are treating the disease using drugs and eliminated the disease rapidly, and there are cases if not treated significantly affect the brain and infected many children My Event birth this disease is more common in children My Event birth and particularly the children of prematurity, are treated within weeks of the injury optical treatment until the removal of excess bilirubin in the body, as is the use of herbs in treating this condition by using Juniperus, are chopping Juniperus wash it and put it in a little boiling water and leave covered for five minutes the filtered water is taken and juniper cup every morning before food for seven days, it helps significantly to healing, eat a spoonful of honey with black bean after drinking juniper.
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